2 Months Old!

It's hard to believe Jordy is 2 months old today. That also means that I've been back at work for half of his life! It's been really hard letting go of that initial stage of his life where both Nicole and I were there for every up and down, every new development he made, and every exhausting, confusing, setback. I feel lucky to have had the time we did to grow together as a family but now I feel like Jordy is growing even faster because I'm not around to see all the details. I'm definitely looking forward to a week and a half off between Christmas and New Years!

Despite having very little free time, Nicole got our Christmas tree unpacked and strug lights and garlands from our new deck and it's starting to feel very festive around here! Jordy is absolutely obsessed with the tree and all the different lights to look at, but I still only got about 4 minutes to take photos tonight before he decided it was bedtime :)