Bryce went back to work (from our home office) on Thursday 11/5. We decided to delay his return to work so that we'd only have a short week to get used to this new reality. To prep for this week, we changed up Jordy's night time schedule a bit. Bryce gets up at the first feed and gives Jordy a bottle of breastmilk while I pump. I'm still getting up to pump, but it's honestly less exhausting than owning the diaper change, nursing, and back to sleep routine. After this feed, I own the next two feeds so he can get some sleep. That said, Bryce set up a NFC tag that enables a quick wake up for him if I'm in need of some assistance.

So how did it go being a primary parent?

Day 1 went okay. Jordy's sleep between 4am and 6am was not very restful. I am a light sleeper in the morning, so I was up with him while the SNOO (we rented it) took care of soothing him. When we woke up around 8am, I was pretty tired. But we pushed through, did a diaper change, fed, and did some tummy time. Zoë has gotten super interested in Jordy when he's on the floor. We are pretty sure she just wants to get pet by him.

Throughout the morning Jordy didn't want to nap. Even when he was showing sleepy cues, he'd only go down for 20-30 minutes. Bryce tried to intervene at lunch and put him down for me. After three 20-30 minute naps, I decided to take a walk with Jordy in the Baby K'Tan. It was my first outing without Bryce and was super successful. Jordy fell asleep within the first few blocks and didn't mind the rain on his face.

The rest of day 1 went much better. We got a 2 hour nap in before dinner. It was so long that I was able to fold laundry and finally get some cloth diapers together. I was super excited to test these out as I've been wanting to do them since he hit the 10 lb mark (the size recommended for the pocket type diapers). So I call it a success to start reducing our landfill footprint as I test things out. Overall the day wasn't bad.

Day 2 also went ok as well. Jordy slept way better last night which meant we all slept better. We started the morning off with an 8am feed and awake/tummy time on the floor in his room. Zoë once again wanted to hang out with Jordy and Bryce dropped by on his way to make coffee.

Jordy got enough of a nap in during the morning for me to shower and drink two sips of coffee before our next feed - an improvement from yesterday where I just got to shower. He was super awake after this feed so I took advantage of it and read him a book. One of the best parts (for me) of having Bryce working in our office is that the hears how my day is going. While I was reading a book, Bryce came out for a break and took this photo of us together.

Jordy went down for another short nap, that was fortunately long enough for me to get lunch before he woke up again. Since a walk soothed Jordy yesterday, and I really enjoyed getting out of the house, I put Jordy in the K'Tan again and went for another walk. This time he fell right asleep when he went outside.

Unlike yesterday, once we got home napping was not on the agenda for Jordy. This meant that his longest nap was during our walk. I fear we are heading into the period of purple crying for Jordy.

Fingers crossed that tonight goes well. If his naps to this point are any indication, we might be in for a long night.