Jordy is 4 months old!

4 months is a big milestone for us as well. Nicole returned to full-time work this week and I am starting the second half of my parental leave. I'm really excited to get to spend some more quality time with Jordy over the next few months and watch his rapid development up close.

This month, Jordy has been sleeping well at night and working on developing his voice and an awareness of his surroundings. He loves to reach out and "help" us turn the pages of the books we read to him. And put them in his mouth. He also really responds to toys and other sights and sounds in his environment so much more these days, which makes it fun to play with him.

As a parent, I always feel like I'm talking in clichés, but it really is incredible to look back at the past few monthly updates and see how much Jordy has grown. He's spending long periods of play time on his tummy now, he has had his first few spontaneous roll-overs (although I don't think he understands exactly how he did it), and he really enjoys "sitting" and  "standing" when we hold him up. We're enjoying this moment, but also looking forward to the upcoming milestones where he can do things like sit in his high chair and try food at the table with us.