Jordy is 5 months old today!

Jordy has had an exciting month! His first 2 teeth have broken through the gums and are making his smiles cuter than ever, he started eating some pureed food, and he has started getting the hang of rolling back-to-front. Even while I was taking photos for this post, he rolled himself over halfway through :)

Jordy is really able to reach out and grasp toys (and everything else) with intentionality now. He sits in his high chair with us every night and eats some pureed vegetables while we have dinner. He certainly can't scoop them out of the bowl on his own but he loves it when we hand him a loaded spoon - and he even gets it in his mouth sometimes! So far he's enjoyed everything we've let him taste. He can see us eating and he's always trying to grab whatever we have and try some for himself. He gets better at sitting up in the high chair every day, but he still needs quite a bit of support.

Jordy is very active during tummy time now and he can stay on his tummy for a very long time. In fact, he often rolls over during the night and sleeps on his front! He's been doing a great job sleeping through the night, which is really nice. This month, we look forward to expanding his food horizon even further and working on his front-to-back roll.