I’ve been eyeing a wristlet made by the same Detroit company that makes my watch but had a hard time justifying $300 on a wallet with a strap After watching Bryce make a few leather items on the Glowforge, I decided that I could just make the wristlet instead. But first I needed to design the wristlet and make an initial version in fabric.

So I spent some time learning how to use Illustrator and went to our favorite fabric store, Pacific Fabrics to get supplies. I ended up buying a silver/gray sateen and a black linen. I also shopped the accessories aisle to find a hook and D ring, an iron-on binding strip for the strap, fabric rivets, a black 12-inch zipper, and iron on edging to finalize the edges of the fabric.

The end result is something that looks a bit hand-made up close but looks really nice from a distance. I’m really excited to try my hand at leather work soon and see if I can make my own wristlet for a lot less money.